
Hello, strangers & stalkers.
This skin works best in Google Chrome.
Looks pretty fine in Mozilla Firefox except that the time & top button in the entry section will go out of alignment. But you can adjust it yourself btw.
I bet this is suckiest in Internet Explorer.

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HAHA, aku dah jumpe kau:D
Saturday, May 14, 2011
7:45 PM | ▲TOP.

AHAH, aku dah jumpe dia. Babe aku dah jumpe dia! Akhirnyee:D
Aku harap sangadsangad yang pilihan aku ney betol. HAHAH. wow happy GILA.
Ade orang tuh dah majuu ;) HEE:D
Im gonna tell you guys, that i admit that i LIKE him. you all satisfied ? ergh -.-
sebok jage tepi kain orang apesal? sekarang dah dapat ape yg korang nak tahu enn?
Bole berambus now :)   hoi, i love you now, and you are mine. *eh , belom lagi. haha.
And thanks for all of them deerara :) thank you for your support. And telling :
akak dapat die jugak akhirnyee:D i told you right? mesti dapat punyee.
HAHA. btw; korang sweet together :)
Itu je kod setakat ney, byebye darlings.
p.s: i love himm.

Today is your day :)
Monday, May 9, 2011
3:03 AM | ▲TOP.

hey syg, hari ney hari special kau enn? HAHAHA. i know that lha:)
mane mungkin aku lupe hari ney hari jadi kau. kau nak ape hadiah?
aku tak tahu lha na bagy kau ape . kalau bagy syg bole? HAHAH.
tade lha joke jeh. ehmm. hee:D
die takot kene serang dengan kawankawan die kat sekola tadi.
padan mukaa ! patot lha aku tunggu die punye lha lame dekat bus stop
die tak datangdatang -.- buang masa jehh :P hmm. pape je lha.
it's okay. die cakap die nak teman aku esok. eh , macha betol kehh?
kang lain cite. hahaha. okay lha kite tunggu jeh esok cmner :)